Thursday, October 21, 2010


Just sat down in my seat, I'm excited to be flying home to T.O. for a few days. It feels like a lot longer since I first left for New York. The past month and three weeks have zipped by and I'm starting to kind of know where I'm going around the city which feels great. A lot has happened since September 1st. A lot is yet to happen in the future and I'm so excited.

One thing I've learned recently is that there's really no way to predict the future. What we imagine will be tomorrow, next week, a month down the road, often turns out entirely different from how our minds and hearts have planned. I'm learning to roll with the punches and take each day as it comes. Every day you are given is an opportunity for adventure.

I sign off with a quotation I saw on a mug in Barnes n Noble that goes something like this:

Life is not about finding yourself - it's about creating yourself.

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